Sporting the latest workout wear and armed with newly proclaimed resolutions, millions will head to the gym in hopes those love handles will be diminished by summer. With new workout routines come sore muscles and fatigue. One of the quickest ways to get discouraged and forego the gym before the rubber on the bottom of your new sneakers get dirty, is to be so sore that getting up to make your coffee in the morning feels like an ascent of Everest. Remember not to overdo it those first weeks back at the gym and be sure to have your MagneSport on hand. Our blend of topical magnesium and essential oils was formulated to help you to achieve peak performance. Magnesium is essential in maintaining nerve and muscle function and helps maintain healthy bones. From a seasoned triathlete to the dad who hasn’t seen the inside of a gym since Reagan was in office, MagneSport products will help ease the pain of sore muscles, give you energy, enhance endurance, and shorten recovery time.
Mg12 is committed to help you keep your resolution to hit the gym more. No pain, no gain may work for Mr. Universe, but for the rest of us, the less pain is actually more gain. You are much more likely to keep up your newly formed routine if it doesn’t bring you to tears trying to get your stiff and painful legs to work again as you try to get up in the morning. As our MagneSport products infuse your body with the magnesium it needs to ease muscle fatigue, pain, and swelling, we also hope you will make another resolution - one to be proactive about giving your body what it needs to be at its best physically as well as mentally.
MagneSport is a proven way to ease pain and enhance athletic performance, yet it does so much more! These past few years have been very trying for us all to say the least. The strain of a locked-down world with more questions than answers closed gyms, and fights over toilet paper are lingering memories from the not-so-distant past. A few minutes of watching the news and it’s easy to feel your blood pressure begin to rise and anxiety rush in. The stress of the unknown can be incredibly taxing, causing anxiety, depression, and any number of other strains on mental health. We have had several years of our minds and bodies requiring increased amounts of magnesium to deal with the increase in stress on our systems both mentally and physically. Magnesium is vital in immune system response and considering it is estimated that 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient, the chances are, these pandemic years have taken a toll on your body and mind. It’s time to replenish this key mineral for optimal health!
While magnesium is an important nutrient in over 600 functions in the body, it is of utmost importance in keeping our minds healthy and functioning at top performance. Magnesium deficiency can contribute to many mental health concerns such as feeling stressed or anxious, difficulty falling asleep/poor sleep quality, emotional outbursts, impulsiveness, mood swings, depression, OCD, ADHD, and schizophrenia. A healthy level of magnesium is critical for mental clarity, healthy reasoning, and calming the brain, and easing stress.
Here at Mg12, we wish you a Happy New Year! We salute you as you hit the gym, dust off the bike, lace up the running shoes, or dive into the pool. We stand with you for resolutions kept and we encourage you to use your MagneSport balm, spray, roll-on, or salts every day to keep your body AND mind in tip-top shape! Here’s to you!
The New Year is all about setting resolutions and sticking to them throughout the year. Make 2023 all about improving your health and wellness. From now until Monday, January 9th
get 20% off all our MagneSport products. Use code: newyou20